Journal Prompts for the End of the School Year

May 18, 2022 in End of Year

The school days are long but the school year is short, or so they say!

Those last few days of school can feel like they’re never-ending. One way to keep your students busy and engaged is by giving them journal prompts that can help them become centered and focused.

You can use these prompts at the beginning of the school day, right after students come in from a recess break, or at the end of the day as a mindful moment. No matter when you use them, encourage your students to be thoughtful and take their time when they’re writing.

  1. Explain 3 things you’ll never forget about this school year.
  2. What are 10 words that describe this year and explain why?
  3. What are 5 ways you saw change in yourself over this school year?
  4. What are 3 things that you’d like to improve upon for next school year?
  5. What are 5 things that you were successful in this school year?
  6. Explain 3 things you learned this year that were meaningful.
  7. Explain 4 goals you have for next year.
  8. Explain 3 challenges you overcame this school year.
  9. What are 3 things you’re looking forward to in your future?
  10. Explain 3 things you’ll miss about this school year.

Want to have these prompts all in one place for your students, then click here and download these prompts (and more!) from my TpT store.

this has three pictures of the end of year journal that showcases the cover page and the pages inside the journal

You can print it out and staple it all together so it’s ready for your students each and every day.

For more end-of-the-year ideas, check out these five activities that are easy to implement.

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